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Ross Thompson

After working all of my life I have now retired and have decided to take up making videos for YouTube as a hobby, I have worked in very stressful jobs and now it is time to sit back, relax and enjoy travelling and making these videos.

The videos will consist of tourist, lookouts, beaches, etc. around Queensland Australia.


The Meaning behind our brand
My Minajo (my boys)
Back in the early nineties, my wife came up with the name MINAJO and I asked her what was the meaning behind this and Margie replied.
“Well I was trying to think of a house name that suited our family and I was playing with words and names, I came across this combination with our son’s names using just the first 2 letters. 
MIchael, NAthan, JOhn = MINAJO”
This name now has been used by all of our family as a brand name ever since then.
The brand MINAJO holds a very special meaning to all of us now, especially because of the loss of both Michael and John back in 2005 (Michael murdered and John as a direct result of this event) hence the names:
My Minajo, Minajo Creams and of cause Minajo
I hope that this explains the very special meaning behind our brand.

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